Organization management structure

Faculty of Animal Sciences and Agricultural Technology, Silpakorn University has internal departments as follows;

1. Office of the Dean : 2 duties

  1. ) Management
  2. ) Extra activities

2. Center for Agricultural Training and Technology Transfer

Figure 1 : Organizational structure of agricultural technology transfer training center.

Organization management structure of Center for Agricultural Training and Technology Transfer

Organization management structure of Center for Agricultural Training and Technology Transfer has Dean of Faculty of Animal Sciences and Agricultural Technology for management and decision making. The Vice Dean of Management is the head of Center for Agricultural Training and Technology Transfer, which facilitate activities or projects within the centre. The main activities within the centre include but are not limited to, animal husbandry, aquaculture of aquatic organisms, and crop production. The head of each internal sector has the responsibility of worker management, disease diagnosis and treatment, and facilitate learning and research activities of staffs and students.

Figure 2 : Shows a map of the administrative structure of the Agricultural Technology Training and Transfer Center.